Dollar Store Challenge

It’s all downhill from here, folks. I have finally been able to participate in a joint project with the two of the greatest bloggers, writers and just all around good people; Matt from Dinosaur Dracula (former X-Entertainment) and Brian from Review the World. In comparison, I really don’t belong but Matt and Brian were cool enough to let me in on this great idea. I feel kind of like the kid brother who gets to tag along with his older brother and friends for a boat ride. Then a shark shows up and they get stranded on Cable Junction until Dad comes and electrocutes the shark. What? Where was I?

Anyway, we decided on a $5 limit for a shopping spree to the local Dollar Store/Tree/Mart. From there we would bring our findings home and in real-time, post a video reviewing our prized finds. I knew from the beginning that Matt and Brian’s would be spectacular. And they are.

Brian from Review the World! It is absolutely impossible to watch anything that Brian does and not instantly be in a better mood. His attitude and positivity makes this planet that much better to be on. Spend the day watching some of his past adventures. You’ll love ’em.

Matt from Dinosaur Dracula! He’s the star, no doubt. His videos are about the damn funniest eight minutes on the entire internet. His sincerity and hilarious view-point is something that can not be matched. I try and fail miserably…often. Get lost over at Dinosaur Dracula. It’s a great place to be!

Dippy me!

I am so flattered to be apart of this. I have been a fan of Matt and Brian for years and the chance to work (not really work) with them is cooler to me than fishing with Robert DeNiro. Please take time to watch their videos and join the DinoDrac community. Amazing people over there.

It’s nice to have awesome friends like those guys.

Thanks for stopping by!

5 thoughts on “Dollar Store Challenge

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  1. You’re too kind, Billy. Thanks for the positive support. You’re the best. Had a blast. Can’t wait to tag team the ‘net with you again soon (take that line for what you will, perverts!)

  2. Hey dude. Pretty funny video. Long yes, but the best part was at the end. I got a good chuckle.
    What part of NC are you in? I have lived in Durham, Chapel Hill, and Greensboro. It’s all a long story…I used to work at Duke MC.
    Anyway, I’m in med. school now and studying for the boards. Your website will not help with this.

    1. Thanks Tina!!! I am glad you visited. You are right. Way too long. I live in Winston and it is terribly boring. Good luck in med school!

Speak to me, Egor.

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